
Find a Mental Health Professional That's Specialized

Stellar Pro is the go-to place to find a licensed or certified professional with advanced training

Stellar Professionals have verified, advanced training

Do you know if your provider just checked as many boxes as possible for “specialties,” without advanced training?

Many have discovered their therapist or coach has little to no training in specialties or your areas of concern.

 This leaves you feeling confused and questioning if they can help you.

Stellar Pro verifies every professionals’ advanced training and certifications so you’ll have confidence in finding the right specialist!

Find a professional that is uniquely qualified for your specific needs!

Verified expertise and advanced training, so you'll feel confident in your mental healthcare provider

Get the right kind of help so that you can start living your better life today!

Find your preferred professional on the only directory that’s built for specialized and certified professionals! Start your search now.

Become a Stellar Professional

Looking for more of your ideal client? Join the only directory that’s built for specialized and certified professionals.

You have the expertise – let us highlight it!

Our proprietary badge system highlights professionals
with verified specialties

Stellar Badges identify professionals with 50 to 200+ hours of additional training, so you’ll feel confident in finding the right therapist or coach with verified expertise.

Look for a badge in a professional’s listing to identify their level of verified training in a specialty category.

Find out more about the Stellar Badge system here.

Let our Verified Badge System Guide Your Search!

Stellar Pro is a specialized directory that highlights continuous learning and advanced certifications of professionals. Find a provider with the highest level of training and receive top-notch care. Your well-being is in capable hands with Stellar Pro!

In addition to verifying the primary license for all professionals who list an active license, professionals are awarded a Badge by uploading proof of training and certification from qualified organizations.

We verify the hours of training in a focused specialty category and add a Badge to a listing to highlight their level and type of specialization.

Search for qualified professionals in your area and start living your better life today!

Find your preferred professional today. We connect you with specialized experts in your area.

Create your listing on Stellar Pro and start gaining more qualified client leads!

New to therapy or coaching services? We're here to help!

Take your next step confidently with our handy guides

Have a question about searching for a mental health professional, or creating a listing?

We've made it easy to find a specialized therapist or coach!

Looking for a professional with expertise in a specific issue? Stellar Pro takes the guess work out of finding the right expert for you.

Badges Include:

These are some of the current categories you can receive a badge in. To learn more information and see upcoming badges visit the main badges page.

Sex Therapy/Coaching

Sex Therapy or coaching is talk therapy with individuals and couples wanting to improve their communication and functioning. Professionals are certified to provide evidence based care.

Couples Counseling

Couples counseling or coaching is for any couple, or partnership needing additional guidance through productive, non-judgemental communication; no matter what stage your relationship is in.

Trauma Informed Care

Trauma informed care helps those that have experienced any kind of traumatic event. Trauma Therapy helps individuals alleviate symptoms through one or more evidenced based treatment.

Medication Managment

Medical Providers can be licensed to provide medication management to individuals. These can include psychiatrists, psychiatric mental health nurse practitioners or Medical Doctors.

LGBTQ+ & Gender

LGBTQ+ specialists are for those that identify as LGBTQ+ or are questioning their orientation and is looking for help through therapy or coaching. Discuss lesbian, gay, bisexual, gender identity, gender care, queer or transgender issues with a specialized provider.

Kink or BDSM Therapy

No matter where you are at in your kink journey, from starting out or already a kink veteran, kink therapy can provide an inclusive space to guide you. Choose a therapist or coach with advanced trainings and certification in Kink Informed Treatment.

Polyamory / CNM

Experts in CNM (consensual non-monogamy), swinging, open relationships or Polyamory will create a safe space to explore your relationships. Professionals are trained or certified to provide research based care for CNM or ENM issues.

Drug & Alcohol

Addiction or substance abuse counselors help you break free from drug or alcohol abuse or dependency through individual, group or family therapy. Rehabilitation and treatment programs help those experiencing addiction or substance abuse.

Find a specialized provider today!

Find your preferred professional. We connect you with specialized experts in your area!

Create your listing on Stellar Pro and start gaining more qualified client leads!