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Dan Powers



I work with women to empower their voice with regards to sexual desires and expectations. This in turn provides them with a voice in all areas of their lives. I demonstrate the power of pleasure for pleasure’s sake. I work with women experiencing vaginal pain with sexual encounters and body image issues. I work with men to teach them how to be better partners to their female partners by coaching them on how to be present, to touch and to incorporate pleasure tools (toys) when engaging sexually.

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Badges are awarded based on verified hours of advanced training in specialized areas

How I can help you

I work with skills developed over time and from numerous teaching such as sexological bodywork, surrogate partner therapy, Human Awareness Institute, tantra, etc. to improve the somatic experience of sexual encounters.

Typical first meeting

A typical first meeting is held on Zoom to better understand if we are the right fit and exactly what work would be most beneficial to the client. Each offering is customized to the client and their specific desires. For example, I have talked with some clients who it turned out would be more appropriate for Surrogate Partner Therapy, while others would have sexological bodywork as more appropriate and even others who only need online coaching. The client's needs are the most important and if I'm not the right person I will direct my client to someone more appropriate.

What I specialize in

I have been working with women for 20 years as a professional practitioner leading in women's empowerment around their bodies and desires. I have taught women to orgasm or expand their orgasm into its fullest potential and I have taught men how to be more present for their partners sexual engagement.

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License type: Certified Sexological Bodywork, Certified Erotic Blueprint Coach, Certified Surrogate Partner
States practicing: Not Applicable
