Stellar Pro Badge System

Our proprietary badge system highlights professionals with verified specialties

How does Stellar Pro Badge System work?

Stellar Badges identify professionals with 50 to 200+ hours of additional training, so clients feel confident in finding the right therapist or coach with verified expertise.

Clients can look for a badge in a professional’s listing to identify their level of verified training in a specialty category.

In addition to verifying the primary license for all professionals who list an active license, professionals are awarded a Badge by uploading proof of training and certification from qualified organizations.

We verify the hours of training in a focused specialty category and add a Badge to a listing to highlight their level and type of specialization.

Stellar Pro is the only directory that checks and verifies advanced training and certifications, ensuring you get the best possible care. We feature top therapists and coaches who excel in their fields, marked by a Badge on their profile.

This Badge is earned through verified hours of quality training and signifies expertise. Our unique Badge System simplifies your search for the right expert by showing their level of training and focus area.

Badges come in different colors (Bronze, Silver, Gold, Stellar) indicating the amount of verified training. Professionals receive badges in categories like trauma, substance abuse, sexuality, gender, and more.

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