What to Ask in your Therapy Consult

Knowing what questions to ask is easy with our guide.

At Stellar Pro, we believe that you deserve a highly qualified professional. That means, we understand finding the right therapist is a crucial step on your journey to improved mental health and well-being. But what happens once you’ve found a therapist you want to work with? That first session is called a consultation and it’s your time to ask questions.This article aims to guide you through the process of what to ask during a therapy consult, empowering you to make an informed decision about choosing a therapist who can best support your unique needs and goals.

What is a Therapy Consultation?

A therapy consultation or consult, also known as an initial session or intake appointment, provides an opportunity for you to connect with potential therapists and determine if they are the right fit for your needs.

This is your time to ask questions! There is a wide variety of questions you can ask in your therapy consult. Based on your therapist’s answers, you might not feel like there is a connection and want to see somebody else. You could also know right away that yes, this therapist is perfect for me. But the most common outcome is people feel they need another session or two to really know if their therapist is right for them.

All three of these are perfectly normal outcomes from a therapy consultation. If after a few sessions you’re still not sure if you and the therapist are connecting it may be time to find another therapist. Stellar Pro can help you find another therapist qualified and knowledge in your specific therapy needs.

What Questions Should You Ask in Your Therapy Consult?

Your specific questions will vary based upon your therapy needs. We’ve put together some general topics you should touch on during a consultation. Your therapist may also be forthcoming with these answers when introducing themself.

How Will I Know I Found the Right Therapist?

The right therapist is crucial for you or you and your partner(s) to grow and work through anything holding you back from the best version of you or your relationship(s). You will know you have found a good fit when you feel you can be authentic with them, and you feel supported and heard by them and their responses. Keep in mind that they are people too. If the first one, two, or even more are not a good fit that doesn’t mean that you should give up! Continue to search for the right fit and use resources like Stellar Pro to make sure that the next practitioner you meet with has the tools you need!

Understanding Therapist's Expertise and Approach

During a therapy consult, it’s important to inquire about the therapist’s expertise and approach to ensure they align with your specific concerns. Ask about their educational background, training, and areas of specialization. Explore their therapeutic approach, such as cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), psychodynamic therapy, or mindfulness-based approaches, and inquire about their experience in working with individuals who share similar challenges or identities as you.

Assessing Therapeutic Relationship

The therapeutic relationship plays a pivotal role in the effectiveness of therapy. Inquire about the therapist’s style, their approach to building rapport, and how they establish a safe and supportive environment. Ask about their communication style, level of empathy, and their ability to establish a collaborative partnership. This will help you gauge whether you feel comfortable and understood, as a strong therapeutic alliance is essential for successful therapy.

Exploring Treatment Planning and Goals

Another topic to ask about in your consult is the therapist’s process of treatment planning and goal-setting. Ask how they involve clients in shaping their treatment goals and how progress is monitored and evaluated. Understanding the therapist’s approach to treatment planning will help you assess if their methods align with your expectations and if they prioritize your active involvement in the therapeutic process.

Discussing Practical Matters with your Therapist

During the therapy consultation, it’s essential to ask questions about practical matters. Inquire about session frequency, duration, and estimated duration of treatment. Ask about their availability, scheduling options, and cancellation policies. Discuss fees, insurance coverage, and any sliding scale options for affordability. These practical considerations will help you assess the feasibility and accessibility of therapy with the therapist.

Addressing Therapist Confidentiality and Boundaries

Confidentiality is a fundamental aspect of therapy. Inquire about the therapist’s approach to confidentiality, including how they handle personal information and the limits to confidentiality. Discuss any concerns you may have regarding privacy, consent, or the therapist’s obligations to report certain situations. Understanding the therapist’s ethical and professional boundaries will help establish trust and clarify expectations.


A therapy consult is a valuable opportunity to ask essential questions and ensure a good fit with a therapist. By inquiring about the therapist’s expertise, therapeutic approach, treatment planning, and practical matters, you can make an informed decision about embarking on a therapeutic journey with the right professional. Remember that therapy is a collaborative process, and finding a therapist who respects your needs, values, and goals is essential for successful outcomes. Take the time to ask the right questions and trust your instincts to find the therapist who can best support your mental health and well-being.